Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mr. Kong Sam ON was sued by the Government about defaming case. The sue case happened after he joined the press with Mou Sokhua at Sam Rainsy Party's Headquarter. During the case was being actioned by the court, he also face of loosing the job as lawyer because Mr. Ka Savuth, the Governmnet's lawyer also submitted the petition to Cambodia Lawyer Committee. Now, the law suit against him was withdrawn by the government after the government received his appology letter. According to the local news paper, he also defected to join CPP.
After the government decided to withdraw the law case against Mr. Kong Sam On, there was another news reported that Mr. Dam Sith decided to write an appology letter to Hun Sen to finish the law suit against him. The news reported addistionally that Mr. Dam Sith decided to stop printing his news paper that always critised the government led by CPP.
With this two cases, it shows that the government is trying to shut up the opposition voice. If the purpose of the government is like what mentioned above, Cambodia is on the way to be under communism instead of democrat.

Please take a tour to his speech. He didn't mentioned on the name of the person her referred to but we can see that it's clear enough to acknowledge that he referred to Mou Sokhua as he mentoined that there's one lady law maker from the opposition party who represent for Kampot Province strongly critisized his government during the election campaign. He also mentioned that the lady lawyer she mentioned didn't aim to anyone because there are lady law makers from his party in Kampot Province also. Yes, even there are lady law makers from his party but his party's law maker would never critise their own party.
With this reason, we can see that he did referred to Mou Sokhua which the court should take this base to take action on Mou Sokhua's petition. They should not dismiss the case.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We remember once that Foreign Minister of Thailand stated impolite words toward Samdach Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, used to change their word from Play Boy or Gang (Dek Kere in Thai words) to be Play Boy with Good Mind. This minister also shout by referring to Hun Sen that " Khun Bar Bar Bor Bor = Crazy Man". Recently, Thai Government, especially the Thai Prime Minister Abhisitt Vijjajiva, also showed their ambition to get UNESCO reviewing on the listing of Preah Vihear Temple. They need the temple to be listed as World Heritage Site under both Government Thailand and Cambodia by giving the reason that the listing caused the border dispute. This government also sent the Delegates to Join the 33rd Meeting in Spain of UNESCO to show their ambition to the committee. After strong reaction from the Top Leader of Cambodia including Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, there is a news reported that Thai Prime Minister will send his Deputy Prime Minister which is considered as a strong man and a key person to establish a new government led by Democrat Party, Mr. Sunthep Thonsaban, to woo Hun Sen about his word on Preah Vihear Listing. We don't know yet on what subjects will be talking with Hun Sen. We hope that Thai will change their word to pamper their Counterpart, Cambodia. If Thailand fails to chase UNESCO as their Ambition, we can see that Thai will use different explanation on their Prime Minister Words are they used to do to Kasit Phyromya's Words toward Samdach Hun Sen. We are hoping that Cambodia Government will be confident on keeping their reaction against Thai Prime Minister as well as their top leaders by not agreeing to what they need to change the meaning of their words.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dear Thai Nationalists,
You should not try to look for trick to get Cambodian following you as you are their boss. They are also educated people and they have an independent country. They are not under yours. You should try to find ways to solve the border dispute caused by your Thai Royal Army which your main reason is from your defeat on rejection the listing of Preah Vihear Temple as World Heritage. Your Thai Government tried to get a new name for the Hendu Temple of Preah Vihear as Prah Vihan in the meeting for solving the problem at the border. Thai Natinalists should dismiss this kind of ambition as you already acknowledged yourself that Preah Vihear is belonging to Cambodia since 1962 through an international court decision. You also see that every of your news agent use Preah Vihear Name not Prah Vihan as what your IDIOT Government blindly needs it to be. Please tell your government that don't try to get obstackles to Cambodia when they see that Cambodia is being stable in the society and Cambodia's development. Don't fear that Cambodia will get Thai market. We should be happy to see friends working well. Dismiss you uneducated abition against Cambodia then we will be in peace. I know that you all do not need your people injured or died because of the border dispute.
Thank you,
From Cambodian People
You should not try to look for trick to get Cambodian following you as you are their boss. They are also educated people and they have an independent country. They are not under yours. You should try to find ways to solve the border dispute caused by your Thai Royal Army which your main reason is from your defeat on rejection the listing of Preah Vihear Temple as World Heritage. Your Thai Government tried to get a new name for the Hendu Temple of Preah Vihear as Prah Vihan in the meeting for solving the problem at the border. Thai Natinalists should dismiss this kind of ambition as you already acknowledged yourself that Preah Vihear is belonging to Cambodia since 1962 through an international court decision. You also see that every of your news agent use Preah Vihear Name not Prah Vihan as what your IDIOT Government blindly needs it to be. Please tell your government that don't try to get obstackles to Cambodia when they see that Cambodia is being stable in the society and Cambodia's development. Don't fear that Cambodia will get Thai market. We should be happy to see friends working well. Dismiss you uneducated abition against Cambodia then we will be in peace. I know that you all do not need your people injured or died because of the border dispute.
Thank you,
From Cambodian People
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
On June 18, 2009 , and English Newspaper of Thailand called The Nation reported that Prime Minister Abhisitt Vejjajiva showed the disagreement to the approval of listing Preah Vihear Temple as World Heritage Site. The Cabinet of his government decided to keep the stance of opposition to this approval and assigned on the of the Cabinet Minister to ask the UNESCO for reviewing the approval once again in the 33rd meeting in Spain next week. They need UNESCO to review the approval in the reason that the listing caused Cambodia and Thailand in dispute. Thailand would need to study again on what they are thinking as dispute is not coming from the listing but it's from the ambition of Thailand to grab Cambodia which Thailand reason that it's unclear area that need to be talk later. In this unclear area, no personals from both country are allowed to be in but Thailand deployed to troops to be in this area. That means that Thailand didn't have problem with listing but just only the trick to do that because of their internal dispute. The Internatial Court gave a victory on owning the Temple to Cambodia which means that Cambodia can do anything to care and protect the temple. Why Thailand are lobbying on that? Unesco also approved the request made by Cambodia to list this temple as World Heritage site according to the International Court Decision. With this reason, Thailand should stop any reaction to Cambodia on Preah Vihear Temple. Thailand should enfource the discussion on border to be clear as soon as possible better than keeping enfource to troups to the border side to cause the dispute unsettled. Preah Vihear Temple is belonging to Cambodia through International Court therefore Thailand should dismiss their demands on taking Preah Vihear Name to be in their discussion. It's easy, Cambodia's belonging must be name by Cambodian peopel and government not by Thailand. If Thailand is smart enought and they leaving out their embition and boasting, the things will be better in discussion.
Friday, June 12, 2009
The news reported that the Lawyer of the Royal Government of Cambodia has filed a law suite to the Phnom Penh Court against the most popular and pro-government daily newspaper called Reaksmey Kampuchea. The purposes of the law case were not released but the court source told Deum Ampil News that the case is complicated. As the reason of the law suit has not been released, many of the people are confused to give the different ideas on the case. Some of the thinkers think that the law case against Reaksmey Kampuchea daily newspaper which is the pro government newspaper is don to show and to hide. What to show and what to hide? To show, the government wanted to show that the government is fair to fulfill its duties. Not only the opposition voices are sued but also the pro-government voices are also sued if they have mistake. To hide, the government does not want the national and international factors to see that the government is forbidden all the opposition voice. The government have used the court to close the voice from the opposition and if they don't give any sue to the pro-government voices, the national and international would see that the government is trying to get opposition voice closed.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
On Thursday 21st May 2009, on the website of one of the famous Thai English Newspaper called The Nation reported that Thailand's Foreign Minister warned UNESCO's official over the UNESCO's mission to Preah Vihea Temple in April that UNESCO must get the permission from Thailand before entering the land at Preah Vihear Temple as they claimed that it's the dispute area.
The warning to this organization by Thailand is not acceptable for Cambodia. UNESCO came to do the inspection to the temple of Preah Vihear as it's just registered into the World's Heritage list. The job of UNESCO is to ensure that this heritage is well conserved.
Why UNESCO has to ask for permission from Thailand if they are just visit Cambodia? Is Thailand Cambodia's parent?
Thailand react to this is just to cover their bad deed acted during the clash that caused damage to the temple because of their army's shooting. They don't want UNESCO to see the evidence which they think that they will loose face if UNESCO issue a statement commenting that Thailand damaged World Heritages.
Monday, May 18, 2009
On 17th May 2009, the first-ever nationwide concil election was held by indirect vote. The only commune coucilors are allow to cast the vote. The National Election Committee (NEC) has set up 15 days as campaign period for eached registered party to do the campaign. During the campaign, there are many comlaints, mostly from Sam Rainsy Party, were submitted to the NEC and its subordinates. Some of the complaints were rejected by Provincial Election Committee or Municipal Election Committee due to not enough evidence.
In Phnom Penh, there was one complain submitted by SRP but the Municipal Election Committee rejected with reason of not enough evidence even the SRP's member show the mobile phone recording. On the Cambodia Daily, the Leading Cambodian English Newspaper, quoted the sentence of Mr. Lun Chheng, the director of Municipal Election Committee (MEC), that "The voice on the phone is not stipulated in law". He also mentioned that "if they have a signature letter with a stamp, it is evidence to charge".
Form me, it think that it's not a good judgement to the complain as the SRP complained that there was vote buying during the campaign. The MEC should do the investigation before giving the judgment. The vote buying has no middle man and the law does not allow. How can the people sign the contract to buy the vote? How can we ask the thief to sign the contract before committing their acts? It's so pity to the non-ruling party. They are not able to find the enough evidence.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
After a press conference at Sam Rainsy Party's head quarter made by MP Mu Sokhua and her lawyer stating about the purpose of submit the petition to the court against PM Hun Sen regarding defaming which she said that PM looked down her and the ladies in the country through a speech at Kam Pot Province, the lawyer of the Government submitted the law suite to the Phnom Penh court against MP Mu Sokhua. The law suite is on defaming PM during press conference.
Both parties are in confident that, while the both law suite are in the Phnom Penh Court's hand, the court will give them the justice.
The empressive point is that, recently, The Prime Minister used very impolite words against MP and he also mentioned that Immunity Lifting is the job of the National Essembly. He stated that the immunity lifting can be done through a two third agreement of the total voice of the National Essembly voices. He strongly believe that the MPs from CPP will not vote to lift his immunity but the CPP MPs is enough to vote to lift MP Mu Sokhua's immunity. It's very easy, he said.
Witht the above story, we can see that the decision made in the National Essembly is according to the Political Parties' policy not on their own independent. Fore instant, if the court request the essembly to lift the immunity of any of the members of the party who is holding the power, the essembly will not vote to support the request event that members is wrongdoer but they will approve immediately if the request is made to the opposition party's member.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
From my childhood, I ever told by my grand parents and my parent about the political generations from Sangkum Reas Niyum up to the end of Kampuchea Prachea Thipatai (Khmer Rouge). They ever told me that there are different colors of Khmer with different political trend like Blue Khmer (Khmer Khiev), Red Khmer (Khmer Rouge) and White Khmer (Khmer Sor). I don't know who was who between the different colors of Khmer but I just self-understand that they had different political trends.
I am surprised to that, now, Thail policians are using the Shirt Color as the symbols to their political trends. If we compare between the Former Khmer Political Generation and the current Thai situation, we can see that Khmer and Thai are still in similar culture even the political culture but Khmer used this style in the past and, now, Khmer does not use the coloring technique to quote their political trend. They only uses their ideas to gain their popularity. Does it mean that Thai politicians learned from Khmer Politicians used in the past? If so, Thai is doing the Benchmark from Khmer Politician. Currently, Thailand has Yellow Shirt (PAD), Red Shirt (UUD) and Blue Shirt from Newin
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thailand has faced the rally for months since November which was the time that the Thaksin's Allied Government led by People Power Party. The prime Minister at that time was Mr. Samak Sundaravej. His government was shaking by the Yellow Shirt or so called as PAD. Finally, his post as Prime Minister of Thailand was finished because of cooking show on the TV after his Foreign Minister resigned from his post following the demand of PAD related to the Preah Vihear Dispute. The new government established after an election and Mr. Somchai Wongsawat became the Prime Minister of Thailand. He was from People Power Party. His government faced stronger strike from PAD. The protesters from PAD surrendered the government house for months and they also closed the two main airports in Bankok caused thousands of travelers stuck in Bangkok. Mr. Somchai Wongsawat who was Prime Minister for that time put his country in Emergency Decree and the clash between the riot police and the protesters caused some death and dozens enjured. With this action against the protesters, he was filed a complain that he used the power against the protester. He was then quitted from his post. Many of Yellow Shirt (PAD) leaders seen that they are wrong doers but the law of the New Government led by Democrat Party which Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva is the prime minister did take any action on those leaders. The red shirted protesters who support Mr. Thakshin Shinawatra group up and make the rally. At the end, the government of Abhisit place his Bangkok and some other provinces in the Emergency Decree and the protesters crack down caused deadths and hundreds of people injured. Some of protest leaders was arrested.
It looks not fair for Red shirt Leader and Yellow shirt leaders as some of red shirted leader arrested while some of Yellow Shirted Protest Leaders are in the Government Post.
It looks not fair for Red shirt Leader and Yellow shirt leaders as some of red shirted leader arrested while some of Yellow Shirted Protest Leaders are in the Government Post.
Monday, April 6, 2009
In each of his statements, Samdej Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of Cambodia always speaks out the messages of his government policies to his people both regional and country wide. In the messages, the focuses are on the meaning of the program that he is invited to join like Bridge inauguration, School Opening Ceremony and distribution the Certificates to the Graduated Students of any university. The statements always referred to the development of the country under his government led by the Cambodia People Party (CPP) but he never forgets to attack the opposion parties like Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) and some other organizations or people who are in oppositon trend to his government and his party.
As above, we can see that in every of his statement meanings are different according to the meanings of the programs and ceremonies but one point that he never forgets to do is to attack the opposition voices.
Through his speeches, we can see that he work less for the country but he work hard for his private, especially for his Political Party. He is the prime minister, he should not work for his party all the time in the public. He has to be responsible for working for the country and the people. He should work for his party in his private time not in the public.
He's the Prime Minister, he should be fair in treating his people!
Sunday, April 5, 2009

We still remember that all the time Thailand always denied to the Cambodian purposes on preparing to refer the case to the Asean and to the Security Council of The United Nations. Thai always asked the government of Cambodia to choose two-party talk rather than refer it to other parties. But several times during their request for two-party talk, they always refer the dispute to the foreign embassadors based in Thailand and to the UN, especially, the case that Thailand sued Cambodian Side on planting the new mines that caused their soldiers enjured.
If what The Nation wrote is true, we can see clearly that Thailand doen't not want the case to be solved by two parties. They just need time to look for ways to get up on Cambodian side. And we are able to see clearly that Thailand will never give up their ambition on envading Cambodia. They don't even want to loose in solving the dispute to Cambodia.
On behalf of Cambodian people, I would like to ask for Cambodian Government to rush to take action on solving the dispute. The government should not delay the time as per request from Thailan. Again, we can see that Thailand will never keep in mind to solve the dispute by both parties. They only need time to set up the strategies for fighting back to Cambodia even they know that they are wrong in allowing their armies to get into Cambodia illegally. They also know that Preah Vihear Temple belong to Cambodia. Why were they in chao when this ancient temple was approved by the UNISCO to listed it as the World Heritage?
please click here to see the page of The Nation
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Now, Mr. Soy Sopheap is the president of Doeurm Ampil News and he is still in the post of CTN but what the Khmer People disappointed is Mr. Soy Sopheap always give good comment to the governement actions and performances while he's always attacking the opposition voices. The trend of his report started to change since he received a big complain from Prime Minister of Cambodia about his comment on the performance of the Government. Soy Sopheap is totally changed! No freedom for the reporters? And why Soy Sopheap Changed? He doesn't dare enough to critisize the government? Or does he receive something from the Government? He's so proud if he critisize the opposition or raise up the government actions or performance.
Thursday, April 2, 2009

The cases occured to the ones who are not supporting the government, the killers have been never found like The Grenade Bombing on 30 March 2007 to the protesters led by Sam Rainsy, the President of Samrainsy Party, the killing on Piset Pilika who most of the sources released that the cased was related to the top government member, Tat Marina, Touch Srei Nich and Chea Vichea etc. Who are the killers to those peopel? Has the Government done any action to get the killers to the justice? Non of the killers have been found!
During the censure debate last month, an MP from Opposition Party of Thailand played an audior clip and a video clip to convince that Kasit Phiromya had broadcasted the impolite word through local medium including the National TV (NBT) referred to the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Samdej Hun Sen.
After a strong fight back by Samdej Hun Sen about Kasit's words, the Thailand is trying to convince that it is the wrong meaning of translation made on Kasit's word. They try to change from "Ganster" to "Gentleman with Gangster Heart". The original word in Thai language is "nak leng = Gangster" and they anto change to "so phap borot chai nak leng ". the meaning of this word can be wrong translated but if we listen and watch to the clip played by the mentioned MP, we will hear another word which equal or more impolite than "Gangster". The workds used in the clip is "Khun ba ba bor bor" which means "crazy man". Hun Sen has handful of consultants and we do hope that some of them may know Thai Lanuage who can translate the right meaning to Kasit's Words. One person in the top range of Cambodian Government, as I know, can speak Thai Fluently. That is the Defent Minister Tea Banh. He should also give the PM the right translation. We are not happy to hear impolite words to our PM.
please watch the clips below:
On 31st March 2009, Samdech Dejo Senabdei Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia, warned that the post of Railway Station can be removed. He mentioned that Mr. Sokhom Pheakvoanmony caused delay on planting the pole for pulling the electricity power from Vietnam to supply Phnom Penh. The Chief does not allow the worker to plant the poles on his own land.
With this reason, The prime minister threaten to remove the post as Chief of Railway Station if he still deny to this project.
Men Samorn and her subordinates are asked to solve this conflict within one week time only.
Is it good for the country if the post removed by the personal conflict?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

According to the ECCC law, all top leaders of Khmer Rouge must be brought to the Trial to get the justice to Sould of Ones who dead in Khmer Rouge Regime and The ones who not killed in this regime but used to receive the treatment from this wild regime.
On March 31, 2009, the co-lawyer, the Cambodian one, stated about the justice the we should bring to not only the dead and alive victims but also the suspect. We should bring all the members of Khmer Rouge who held the same level of position when the Khmer Rouge Regime was holding the power not only Five People.
Personally, Hun Sen stated that because he does not know the law and he does not want the justice to come to Cambodia and to the world. He should let the ECCC work on their own job independently. The Government should not interfere their jobs. Because if the government is trying to interfere, the justice will never come to our people.
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Then, on March 22, 2009, there was a clash between the villagers and the authority caused few people got surious and slight injured and dozens of people were arrested. The governor of the region is identified as the father or mother of the resident but this time, the parents gave a bad treatment to their kids. Why don't the authority solve the problem peacefully? Or the authority is not able to find the peace solution? It was lucky that no one was died by the shooting made by the authority? How if the there was any dead? Who would take the responsibility on that? How to get a good governor? Clashing with villagers? Please reconsider once again about finding the solution on solving the problem. Don't use the power to grab the weaker side. It's not fair.
Sunday, March 15, 2009

There are alot of land disputes in Cambodia and the disputes are nearly every region of the country. The disputes are not solved by the the autorities or courts. Some of the disputes take years to solve but still they are not solved. There are some disputes solved but not by the authority. The disputes solved by the Prime Minister. With this, we can see that the authorities and the courts have no abilities to fulfill their duties because all the land disputes are to be solved by Prime Minister.
With the above reason, the people of the country always called for help from Prime Minister when they have any problem. Not only land disputes which are considered as big problem to be solved but even a small problem, the people also call for help from Prime Minister. For example, the bad treatment performed by the Phnom Penh Police to the road side sellers near by Olympic Market, the prime minister is also called for help from the people who received the bad treatment from the polices.
With all above, we can also see that the people have not trust on the authorities or courts but they trust only one person is PRIME MINISTER.
The government should do full power delegation to its authorities so that they can work for the people. The people do not need to call for Prime Minister all the time that they have any problem. If the call for helps from the Prime Minister still continue, it can be shown that the government staffs are not able to fulfill their duties. There's only prime minister who work alon for the government. It's not good, I think.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hun Sen should not say that unless SRP close the moth to criticize they will get the posts in the committees because we are the democative country. The posts in each Essembly Committees for the Opposition is the obligation as if they do not have voice in the committee, then the essembly is only for CPP. If the government is strong enough and if the government is in transparancy, why the government led by Samdech Hun Sen wants to escape from criticizing? They can avoid criticising but not by closing the mouth of the oppositions. They should perform a good governance and change all the things that are obstacles for developing the country like corruption as example.
If Sam Rainsy Party accepts what Samdech Hun Sen requested, then they should change their position to be not an opposition party.
Thursday, March 5, 2009

2- Use as the lesson for the new generation of leaders for avoiding the so action.
Again, the leaders of Khmer Rouges should not try to get away from the responsibilities that they must take and they should give the answers and explanation to Cambodians as well as to the world.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Thai News On Preah Vihear

With this news, Cambodian Government should look onto that if it's or it is not reopened. If it's reopened, Cambodia site should not be the country. We should be the rebel of Thailand.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Gambling Closure

For me, I am also happy to this action made by the government, especially our prime minister but I am not happy for this kind of action. The government gave the license to the investors. The government signed the agreement to allow the investors to invest in the country. The government should remain the agreement and license until the end of the period. The government should not do any action just like a dream or thunder light as this kind of action will be the message to the potential investors saying that invest into Cambodia is not stable. On the other hand, if the government close any company, they should look into the situation. Right now, the world economic crisis is still the problem for our country as well as others. Thousands of staffs are unemployed everyday. The government closed the gambling places, where do the employees go and get the jobs? Or Hun Sen just want to show how strong he is?
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